Find Out How to Boost Your Smile With Dental Implants
Dental implants are a great option for patients with missing teeth because we can hold in a lower denture with two dental implants and stabilize the lower denture. So, that way you can eat, chew, function without pain and without having to worry about your dentures coming loose. We can also use dental implants for individual teeth. That way, you don’t have to adjust any of the other teeth in the area, and we’re able to replace just that one single tooth with a dental implant.
A dental implant allows us to replace the missing tooth to allow you to fully function and chew your food more easily. You don’t have to chew on one side, you can chew on either side, wherever you have a full set of teeth to eat and function with. And the dental implant is a really, really good option for that. With the implant-retained denture, patients are able to function and eat corn on the cob, eat an apple, you know, those things that patients struggle with with a denture. The implants allow that denture to be held in place and allow patients to eat and really, just get back to their normal life.